Get to know me/ Conoceme
Hi guys!!!!! OMG this is my first official blog post guys, so I kind of just wanted to give you all a more in-depth look into who I am, not what you read on a bio not what you hear from people that may "know me" but ME from ME.

Jadi- if I could describe myself in three words I probably wouldn’t be able to (being totally honest) not because I think too much of myself but because I’m too much of a clown and I would probably use words like "swaggalishus" and "the bomb" to describe my self which aren't really words that many people would understand haha! So, I will try to use a few words and explain why I think of myself in those ways. My friends would agree with me because I am promising to be honest with my peoples (that's you guys that are reading).
I grew up in the Bronx and one of my fondest memories are hanging out in front of my building with my friends because it was such a common thing to do so ill call my self COOL. I was and have always been and will continue to be an outgoing and social person so I can call my self POPULAR without you shouting, "conceited". I don't think people that consider themselves popular are conceited but more recognize that there is something about them that people feel drawn to having them near and wanting them around (so that’s me) I’m LOVABLE!
I am a CLOWN, yes! I can actually agree with people that call me that, but it's not the type of clown that people laugh at and I certainly do not walk around with a big red nose and water flower haha! Although...that would be something I could see myself carrying around in my purse to make people laugh because Im LOUD and FUNNY and CARING. I love the idea of making people smile!!! like I really realllllyyy enjoy it. Growing up with my siblings (my sisters and my brother) I remember always being the center of and if I wasn't we would have a problem because I am the BABY of the house. Though at times I wish my baby brother would have made it past a few months after his birth, it was not in God's plans for me to be a big sister.
I am a CHILD OF GOD, I've taken it upon myself to become a big sister to all the young girls I meet in my life, I may not be the perfect role model all the time because truth be told I am NOT PERFECT but I aim to be, and I believe that in this process that I am going through I am being perfected everyday a little more.
I've met so many people throughout this journey of my ministry that have told me how much it takes to actually be able to make it and all the work they’ve had to put in to making the one thing they once dreamed of into a reality that I can call myself a DREAMER but in dreaming and working hard, I’m talking sleepless grind nights and nights of prayer and devotion to my craft I call myself an ACHIEVER. I've been through so many ups and downs but like Maya Angelou (I love her) once said still I rise, I am a CONQUEROR! I am BEAUTIFUL and not in that pretty type of way, and trust you give me a bag of makeup and I will slay! But beautiful in a way that I don't, I can't and I won't ever allow anyone to put me down, because after all the quotes and post this bible verse has been On I can openly and very loudly say I AM FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE.